About The Journal

FORUM KOMUNIKASI published biannually in June and December by the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies (FCMS), Universiti Teknologi MARA. It provides a forum for transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches and research in the media and communication fields. Forum Komunikasi aims to provide diverse worldviews, perspectives and analyses in the field of media and communication as an intellectual inquiry.

The editorial board cordially invites authors to contribute articles to this journal which concerned with the anthropological, cultural, economic, historical, philosophical, political, sociological and theological approaches in the study of communication, mass media institutions, mass media contents, media systems and criticisms of culture, society and new media technology as they relate to communication.

The manuscripts may be based on original research, fieldwork, analyses of existing literature, or on emergent issues pertaining to any area of communication and media studies. The journal will only consider manuscripts not previously published or currently under consideration by another journal. By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright of the article is transferred to the publisher when it is accepted for publication in Forum Komunikasi. Authors can submit their manuscripts in either English or Malay language.

Forum Komunikasi
Fakulti Komunikasi dan Pengajian Media
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
40450 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan
General Inquiry

Website Inquiry

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